Saturday, December 4, 2010

by Rototom2010

Question by mikaelamarzano: What issue united the Thirteen colonies more; political philosophies or cultural identity? How did this unific?

What issue united the Thirteen colonies more; political philosophies or cultural identity? How did this unification culminate in the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

Best answer:

Answer by tuffy
Cultural identity was the unifying force for the American colonies. The colonies had grown wide of any hold that the old world had on the colonies. The colonies were a force unto themselves and wanted to proceed with their lives of freedom and not subjects of a fa r away King in both time and distance. The central theme was the freedom of the new land and the prospects for developing a unique and free life - beholding to no one except themselves. Any differences in political philosophies were worked out as the Constitution was being written.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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