Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What are the different qualities of the genres romance and tragedy?

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Question by Samantha:

What are the different qualities of the genres romance and tragedy?

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I'm not sure on what qualities qualify a book as the genre romance and a book as the genre tragedy. All I want is non specifics. For example, the qualities of a book with the genre drama is that something bad happens, there are many conflicts between people, and there involves some crying. Thank you!

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Answer by Nunyo
I think the classic definition of tragedy is it contains a character who begins well off and then falls from grace, he/she must be enviable to the audience. The fall, though sometimes caused by an unstoppable or unforeseeable event, is the result of the protagonist's "tragic flaw." For example, Othello, an otherwise wise, strong man allows his suspicion and lack of trust get the better of him and Iago is able to manipulate him.

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