Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is the best video game system to play Madden football and other sports games?

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Question by bwiley123: What is the best video game system to play Madden football and other sports games?

I haven't owned a video game system since the Super Nintendo. I am interested in buying a more modern one to play Madden football and probably some other sports games. What is the best video game system to play those on?

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Answer by Chris
Madden Football, NCAA Football, Tecmo Bowl, and Blitz the League II are all good ones.
I know of a fantastic source, where you can purchase very cheap video games. You don’t have to pay retail price anymore. Buy the same cheap video games from the same sources that major retail chains and video stores buy from.l By knowing these sources you can save a lot.
Email me and I will send you the source. In the subject area of the email write (video game source).
My email address is brownchriswayne@yahoo.com. I will then email you the source.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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